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The MSME FORUM is set out to render the following services amongst others:

Reasons for the Eastablishment of


Rationale for Establishing the


For a long time, the fortunes of the MSME sector regarded as the engine of economic growth have been left to the vagaries and discordant voices of its various BMOs with no proper coordination and effective synergy needed to tackle the issues and challenges confronting the sector. These issues and challenges include lack of access to finance, inappropriate entrepreneurial skills, lack of institutional capacities, inadequate access to workplace and technology, and non-availability of competitive products that can penetrate and retain both domestic and foreign products.

To adequately address these challenges, some of which require legislative intervention to overcome, it becomes imperative for MSME Business Membership Organizations to come together as obtained in some of the successful economies in the world and form an umbrella organization that will harmonize and promote stakeholders for the development of the MSME sector. It is for this salient reason that the decision to establish MSME FORUM was taken on September 30, 2015 in the training room of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency, SMEDAN, with 52 participants representing different BMOs.

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